2019 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit Agenda


Thursday, June 13
Start Description
7:30 Registration and Breakfast
8:30 Summit Welcome*
9:00 Keynote*
9:45 Tribute to Julio E. López-Ferrao
10:00 Break
10:30 ITEST and Beyond
11:30 Flash Talks*
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Panel*
2:15 Breakout Sessions Part 1
3:15 Break
3:45 Breakout Sessions Part 2
4:45 Break & Expo Set Up
5:30 Project Expo
7:00 End of Day 1
Friday, June 13
Start Description
7:30 Networking & Breakfast
8:30 Day 2 Orientation*
8:45 NSF Remarks*
9:00 Keynote*
10:15 Break
10:30 Roundtables
12:00 Lunch & Program Officer Meetings
1:45 Breakout Session Part 3
3:00 Closing Reflections & NSF Town Hall*
4:00 Working Groups & Program Officer Meetings
5:00 End of Day 2

*Plenary sessions will be live-streamed and recorded.

(Events and sessions subject to change, start times are firm.)