Leveraging a Multi-Partner Approach to Develop Successful STEM Outreach Programs


Careers in the U.S. that require STEM knowledge have grown rapidly, reinforcing the need to develop a futureworkforce that is prepared to meet growing business needs and solve global challenges. Considering that there is a low number ofstudents pursuing STEM degrees and the low percentages of minority students in the STEM pipeline, STEM education hasbeen a focus of local and national education curriculum reform efforts. Extending beyond the classroom, university, industry,and other stakeholders have partnered to develop the future workforce by focusing on STEM K-12 outreach programming.We

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Strengthening the STEM Pipeline for Elementary School African Americans, Hispanics, and Girls by Scaling Up Summer Engineering Experiences


With the rapid growth of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) jobs in the United States, stakeholders are investing more resources to expand participation in these fields in terms of overall numbers as well as representation across demographics. Although there has been a steady stream of federal and corporate investments in STEM programs, reaching and engaging youth from underrepresented communities remains a challenge. Attempting to disrupt this trend, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is leveraging over ten years of experience to further develop and expand

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Examining the Value of Mentoring in Youth Engineering Programs: What Motivates a Mentor to Mentor?


The purpose of this research study is to examine the motivations of undergraduate students, graduate students, and teaching professionals to serve as mentors for elementary school-aged kids participating in the Summer Engineering Experiences for Kids (SEEK) program hosted by the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews (n=25), which we analyzed using a two-pronged approach: 1) through attribute coding, we identified demographic information, and 2) through value coding, we identified the participant motivations for mentoring

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Leveraging a Multi-Partner Approach to Develop Successful STEM Outreach Programs


Careers in the U.S. that require STEM knowledge have grown rapidly, reinforcing the need to develop a future workforce that is prepared to meet growing business needs and solve global challenges. Considering that there is a low number of students pursuing STEM degrees and the low percentages of minority students in the STEM pipeline, STEM education has been a focus of local and national education curriculum reform efforts. Extending beyond the classroom, university, industry, and other stakeholders have partnered to develop the future workforce by focusing on STEM K-12 outreach programming. We

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