Artificial Intelligence and Learning: NSF ITEST Projects At-A-Glance

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating the world around us, changing the ways we live, work, and learn. The National Science Foundation (NSF) lists AI as one of its organization-wide priorities, and is encouraging programs like ITEST to pursue what it means to prepare youth for careers in AI. In response to this, the STELAR convened an AI working group comprised of more than 20 projects funded through a variety of NSF programs. This paper is designed to highlight the areas being explored by these projects, to provide an overview of what has been funded within the ITEST portfolio to date

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STEM Learning & Resource Center (STELAR): Supporting Engineering Education within the NSF ITEST Program


STELAR submitted the attached paper in conjunction with our participation in a poster session held for NSF-grantees at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference. The paper highlights the purpose of the ITEST Program, how STELAR supports and synthesizes project findings, and provides data and information on ITEST projects focused on engineering. The National Science Foundation's Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program supports the research and development of innovative models for engaging PreK–12 students in authentic experiences

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K–8 STEM Career Competencies: Developing Foundational Skills for the Future of Work

Cover of the framework; children engaging in STEM Learning

This framework identifies 10 foundational career competency areas correlated to characteristics of future work at the Human Technology Frontier and what thought leaders in the field believe successful workers in those environments need to know and be able to do. It is meant as a guide for teachers interested in helping their students develop the foundations of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to be successful in life when they exit formal schooling. Many of the suggested competencies may already be included in the curriculum or pedagogy in K-8 classrooms. In those cases, this guide may

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