Shifting Expectations: Understanding Youth Employees’ Handoffs in a 3D Print Shop


As digital fabrication technology has become mainstream, the increased demand for 3D printed objects has created a new market for professional outsourcing. Given that most of this work does not require advanced training, and is an appropriate entry-level manufacturing job, there is an exciting opportunity to employ youth already skilled in "making" and interested in technology to do this work as an after-school job. The combination of this new technology and workforce calls for new workflows that streamline client-driven digital manufacturing. However, the limitations of current digital

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Fabricating Engagement: Benefits and Challenges of Using 3D Printing to Engage Underrepresented Students in STEM Learning


In recent years, “maker” culture and 3D printing have become increasingly popular. Member-driven and community-based makerspaces are cropping up across the U.S. offering access to digital fabrication tools such as laser cutters, CNC mills, and 3D printers. Schools are also beginning to take interest, with groups like MakerEd working to promote the educational benefits of maker skills in both formal and informal learning spaces. We have explored the use of one tool in particular, 3D printing, as a means to engage underrepresented students in STEM learning. The cost of 3D printers has decreased

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