ITEST Proposal Development

ITEST Proposal Development: Tools and Resources

The deadline for submitting ITEST proposals to NSF is coming up – November 6, 2014.  Below we feature some resources and links that might be helpful to you as you prepare your proposal.

NSF program officers regularly provide information and tips about preparing successful proposals via webinars sponsored by STELAR; links to the most recent ITEST Solicitation webinars are included below. If you are looking for partners, whether evaluators, researchers, or content experts, the People Connector Directory for ITEST Proposals has the most up-to-date list of experts who have expressed interest in collaborating on ITEST projects. We have also included a number of resources about developing strong evaluation plans.  For those conducting research on youth motivation, check out the ITEST Convening:  Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM.  Likewise, for those whose work focuses on after school, check out the ITEST After School Convening resources.

Here are a few links that might be helpful as well:
- NSF ITEST Solicitation (NSF 14-512)

- Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development, in particular the section on "Foundational, Early Stage or Exploratory, and Design and Development Studies" and the associated Common Guidelines FAQ.   This provides a framework for thinking about research and evaluation. Our partner resource center, CADRE, recently hosted a webinar on the Common Guidelines. 

- More guidance on how to prepare and format your proposal for submission can be found by reading the  NSF  Grant  Proposal  Guide  (GPG  14-1). 
