
2022 STEM for All Video Showcase: Access, Inclusion & Equity


2022 STEM for All Video Showcase: Access, Inclusion & Equity



The 2022 STEM for All Video Showcase will take place May 10th – 17th.


This year’s theme is STEM for All: Access, Inclusion & Equity. Videos should address at least one of the following subthemes:

  • Projects or partnerships addressing broadening participation
  • STEM learning in formal, informal, community and home settings
  • Design and implementation of innovative STEM and CS programs
  • Research informing STEM and CS teaching and learning
  • Measuring impact of innovative programs


During the week-long event in May, tens of thousands of visitors will visit the showcase from around the world. You will have the opportunity to discuss your work with researchers, educators, policymakers, and parents so please make your presentation accessible to a broad audience. The showcase provides an opportunity to disseminate your work broadly, learn of related work in progress, make new contacts and connections, and to offer and receive useful feedback. 


We look forward to learning of the innovations and changes that you implemented during COVID. Given the ongoing pandemic, some of you may need to rely more on graphics, virtually-captured footage, animation, or illustration and interviews. In any case, we know that you will find creative ways to tell your project’s story. To help, our team’s videographer will offer a webinar with tips on producing an effective video on February 16th at 3 PM, ET. Our home page provides some sample 2021 videos that utilize different strategies and may provide ideas to convey your project’s story.



  • January 12th – February 11thRegistration. Register your intent to present a video. Registration is mandatory and it takes just a few minutes. You can find the link on the Homepage.
  • February 16th at 3PM ET: Webinar with tips to create a video.
  • March 1st – April 20thVideo Submission. Submit your video (less than 3 minutes in length) and presentation information through the site’s Homepage. 
  • May 10th – 17thInteractive Video Showcase. Thousands of participants will view the videos, partake in online discussions, and vote for their favorites.


Successful videos will describe the need that the project addresses, the intervention, innovation, or research, and the potential impact of the work. Video presentations will cover a wide range of topics including, computer science, engineering, cyberlearning, citizen science, mentoring, informal learning, professional development, research and evaluation, etc. The videos highlight initiatives for students of all ages (pre-kindergarten through graduate school, as well as adult learners).


Last year’s showcase has had over 95,000 visits by people from over 170 countries. Rich dialogue took place with over 7,200 discussion comments posted to the videos presented! if you have not presented before visit last year’s showcase to get a better sense of the event.


Videos from all past annual showcase events (2015 – 2021) can be viewed on the newly launched STEM for All Multiplex. We encourage you to visit and explore presentations of interest to you and provide new comments to the presenters. Videos from the upcoming 2022 Showcase will also be added to the Multiplex after the May event.


The STEM for All Video Showcase and Multiplex are created and hosted by TERC, in partnership with: STEMTLnet, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCLS, STELAR, CS for All Teachers, NARST, NCTM, NSTA, NSF INCLUDES, and QEM. The Showcase is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (#1922641).


Have questions? Email contact@stemforall.videohall.com



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