Curricular Materials

Introductory Bioinformatics: Genetic Testing (Bio-ITEST)


The Bio-ITEST genetic testing curriculum explores how bioinformatics is applied to genetic testing. Specifically, the bioinformatics tools of BLAST and Cn3D are used to investigate the genetic and molecular consequences of a mutation to the Breast Cancer Susceptibility 1 (BRCA1) gene. Students are also introduced to principles-based bioethics in order to support their thoughtful consideration of the many social and ethical implications of genetic testing. Throughout the unit, students are presented with a number of career options in which the tools of bioinformatics are used. In a series of eight lessons, students are introduced to the idea of genetic testing and the implications for managing information about their personal health. Through this curriculum, students:

- Learn how to navigate databases at the NCBI
- Explore the story of a family debating whether or not to get genetic testing for mutations related to breast cancer
- Compare and align DNA sequences to identify family members' samples that contain mutations in BRCA1
- Work with molecular structures to understand how a common mutation changes the structure of the BRCA1 protein
- Utilize a process for evaluating genetic risks
- Learn about bioinformatics careers
- Work through activities to assess understanding

Curricular Materials

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Project Curricula Details

Computational Thinking
STEM Career Opportunities and Workforce Development
STEM Content and Standards
Target Setting(s)
High school (9-12)
Additional Target Participants
Additional Disciplines
Bioscience - general
Bioscience - bioinformatics
Bioscience - biomedicine
Bioscience - biotechnology
Bioscience - DNA analysis/sequencing