
Examining Urban Students’ Constructions of a STEM/Career Development Intervention Over Time


Using consensual qualitative research, the study examines urban high school students’ reactions to a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) enrichment/career development program, their resources and barriers, their perspectives on the impact of race and gender on their career development, and their overall views of work and their futures. The sample included nine students who participated in a semistructured interview at the end of the 2-week summer program and again 12–18 months later. The results indicate that the students continued to explore STEM fields after the summer program, reported increases in STEM knowledge, described strong identifications with their racial and gender-based identities, and identified relevant resources and barriers affecting their STEM education and career development. Suggestions for further research and program development are discussed, including the development of interventions to enhance the supportive elements of students’ relational and educational contexts.



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D. Blustein
M. Barnett
S. Mark
M. Depot
M. Lovering
Y. Lee
Q. Hu
J. Kim
F. Backus
K. Dillon-Lieberman
D. DeBay
Journal of Career Development
Youth Motivation and Interests in STEM
Publication Year