
A Technology-mediated Learning Environment


Implementing a technology-mediated learning environment is a challenge for teachers. They have to not only use the learning materials effectively (pedagogical content knowledge) but also integrate the technology that mediates the learning. It is important that prior to the implementation of technology-mediated learning content in the classroom, teachers feel confident on how to use the technology. Therefore, an effective professional development should be provided to the teachers. This paper includes details of the design and conduct of a professional development workshop on a technology-mediated learning environment for middle school math and science teachers from rural and economically depressed school districts. The teaching of active-learning math and science modules supported by flight simulation software was modelled during a one-week summer professional development. The participating teachers’ attitudes were measured using the Math/Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instruments. The teachers were also administered a post-workshop survey to solicit their perceptions of the effectiveness of the professional development. Analyses of the data indicated high self-efficacy in using the pedagogical approach and confidence in the effectiveness of the pedagogical approach. This paper will share the methodology of developing the pedagogical approach and some results based on the data analysis.


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Conference proceeding
Chadia A. Aji and M. Javed Khan
Society for Information Technology in Education (SITE)
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