
WaterBotics: A Novel Engineering Design Curriculum for Formal and Informal Educational Settings



WaterBotics has been implemented with thousands of middle and high school youths in five U.S. geographic regions.The underwater environment presents novel challenges that can facilitate unique learning experiences for students engaged in robotics programs. WaterBotics® is an underwater robotics curriculum using LEGO® MINDSTORMS®components and related materials. It has undergone an extensive, eight-year research and development phase. WaterBotics can be used effectively in a variety of formal and informal educational settings,  such as school-based classrooms, summer camps, and after-school-programs. As part of a National Science Foundation scale-up grant, WaterBotics has been implemented with thousands of middle and high school youths in five U.S. geographic regions. Data from approximately 1,500 youth indicate that 53% have been girls, and almost equal numbers of youth have participated in formal, classroom settings as in out-of-school settings.This paper describes the design of the mission-based curriculum and highlights lessons learned about effective education practices and their relationship to student learning outcomes in physical science, information technology skills, engineering design, and engineering career interest. Core elements of success and curricular adaptations are


illustrated through presentation of five case studies – two that illustrate implementation of the curriculum in formal educational settings and three that illustrate implementation of the curriculum in informal educational settings.



Common themes that emerged included:


(1) The curriculum was effective in developing self-confidence, problem-solving, and persistence; (2) Students mentoring and/or teaching other students was a common observation; and (3) Educators noted that while some parents resisted recruitment of girls to WaterBotics camps, even girls who were initially reluctant to attend showed high interest by the end of their participation.




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P. Holahan
M. McKay
J. Sayres
S. Lowes
A. Camins
B. McGrath
Stevens Institute of Technoloy
STEM Content and Standards
Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Engineering - robotics