Decomposing Practice in Teacher Professional Development: Examining sequences of learning activities


In this paper, we engage in an analysis of professional development design, examining professional development activities and the sequencing of professional learning tasks. We use a theoretical framework typically used in pre-service teacher education to understand the design of one professional development program. Our overarching goal is to theorize about how to design professional development and sequence professional learning tasks for practicing teachers. Specifically, this study uses the concepts of decompositions of practice (Grossman et al., 2009), and levels of decomposition (Boerst

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Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE)


The Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE) was developed and administered to a sample of preservice teachers in the Midwest. It was designed to elicit information from preservice teachers regarding their self-efficacy to execute specific culturally responsive teaching tasks. The Likert-type scale consists of 40 items in which participants are asked to rate how confident they are in their ability to engage in specific culturally responsive teaching practices (e.g., I am able to identify the diverse needs of my students) by indicating a degree of confidence ranging from 0 (no

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Culturally Responsive Teaching Outcome Expectancy (CRTOE) Scale


The Culturally Responsive Teaching Outcome Expectancy (CRTOE) Scale was developed and administered to a sample of preservice teachers in the Midwest. It was designed to elicit information from preservice teachers regarding culturally responsive instructional practices and student outcomes. The Likert-type scale consists of 26 items in which participants are asked to rate their beliefs that a given behavior will have a positive outcome (e.g., “providing English Language Learners with visual aids will enhance their understanding of assignments” and “helping students from diverse cultural

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