Out-of-School Time STEM: Building Experience, Building Bridges


This report from the Exploratorium's Learning and Youth Research and Evaluation Center (LYREC) highlights trends, questions, and findings related to out-of-school-time science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (OST STEM) programs by drawing on the efforts of some two dozen federally funded programs that participated and presented their work at a conference held in Washington, DC in October of 2009.

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Ten Years of Youth Programs at The American Museum of Natural History: An Independent Perspective and Lessons Learned


In this report, Inverness Research summarizes their findings based on evaluating the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)'s high school program over 10 years. The report includes:A discussion of the theory of action and the rationale that underlies the AMNH youth programsA description of three of the programs that have been offered and the evolution in program design that has taken place over the yearsA description of the core common features of the programs

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Sense of Belonging Scale


The Sense of Belonging Scale is a measure of belonging first developed for use in an after-school youth development program. This 5-item scale uses a 5-point Likert scale for each item. Belonging scores were positively related to actual program attendance over a 6-month period, self-reported attendance in the last week, and protective factors found in communities. Belonging scores were moderately and negatively related to community-based risk factors.The link provides the Sense of Belonging Scale as well as its documentation.Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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