COVID-19 Resources for the ITEST Community


As we all face the challenges of COVID-19, making connections between communities and sharing resources with colleagues has become increasingly important. We would like to reassure you that STELAR is here for our community. In the meantime, we and pleased to share the below resources provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), our colleagues at Education Development Center (EDC), the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education

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STELAR Webinar: 2019 NSF ITEST Solicitation


On May 28 STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Michael Steele, Alejandra Sorto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinar on the newly-released 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation (NSF 19-583).

During the webinar Program Officers reviewed the goals of the ITEST program, detailed the revisions made to the 2019 solicitation, and provided guidance on developing a successful submission. 

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ITEST Project Strategy Share Meetup: Engaging Schools as Research Partners


Many ITEST projects conduct research within schools and have shared with STELAR that doing so is extremely challenging. During this Strategy Share Meetup we will discuss ITEST project strategies for creating and navigating successful research partnerships with schools by discussing the following themes:

Buy-in: How to share the research plan with school administrators, educators, and parents such that they are excited to participate and engaged in the process
Study design: How to inspire folks who are not engaged in the educative intervention to participate in the research as a comparison participant
Logistics of data collection: How to collect extant data from schools and new data from teachers or students

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The Synergies Research–Practice Partnership Project: A 2020 Vision Case Study


This paper, describes Synergies, an on-going longitudinal study and design effort, being conducted in a diverse, under-resourced community in Portland, Oregon, with the goal of measurably improving STEM learning, interest and participation by early adolescents, both in school and out of school. Authors examine how the work of this particular research-practice partnership is attempting to accommodate the six principles outlined in this issue: (1) to more accurately reflect learning as a lifelong process occurring across settings, situations and time frames; (2) to consider what STEM content is

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Motivation, Learning, and Transformative Experience: A Study of Deep Engagement in Science


This study investigated the prevalence of transformative experiences, antecedents of transformative experience, and the relation between transformative experience and deep‐level learning (conceptual change and transfer) for high school biology students (N = 166). Results suggested that the high school students in our sample typically engaged in low levels of transformative experience with respect to biology, but those students who strongly identified with science and who endorsed a mastery goal orientation were more likely to report engagement in higher levels of transformative experience

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iDigFossils receives $1.2 million, will donate 3-D printers to children


A UF professor will help give 3-D printers and scanners to children in Florida and California. Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko, a UF associate professor of educational technology, helped lead “iDigFossils,” a project awarded almost $1.2 million by the National Science Foundation. The funding to give students scanners and printers started Monday. The 3-year project will allow kindergarten through high-school students to develop skills and interest in

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Building Automation and IoT as a Platform for Introducing STEM Education in K-12


There is growing concern in the United States about the lack of interest and aptitude in science, math and, in particular, technology and engineering disciplines. Certainly one reason for this could be the lack of true engineering experiences available to students when they are in junior high and high school. This is in part due to the fact that while most teachers are well versed in math and science through their formal education, very few have experience and/or educational backgrounds in engineering and technology. To promote STEM careers, a partnership among university engineering faculty

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