Textured Tactile 3D Prints of Astronomical Data for the Career Exploration Lab and Other Applications

Curricular Materials
Whirlpool Galaxy HST image and 3D model Print
Astronomy has been a fascinating subject for the public for centuries and can stimulate deep questions not only on our own origin but subtly the richness of science and mathematics. It also is a science that is associated with engineering and technology to probe the universe.Typically, astronomical data is translated into visual representations for analysis and general public communication. Unfortunately, this practice is problematic for individuals with blindness or visual impairment (B/VI). In response, we transformed astronomical research data and models into textured 3D prints for tactile
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The impact of Geospatial Inquiry lessons on student interest in science and technology careers

Advances in online geospatial technologies (GST) have expanded access to K-12 classrooms which has implications for the support teachers require to effectively integrate GSTs to promote learning. Previous studies have shown the impact of GST-integrated lessons on student engagement, spatial thinking skills, and/or content knowledge; however, most of these studies have been small in scope and scale and frequently focus on the affordances of the technology, without addressing the context of the implementation and student characteristics for whom GST is most impactful. We attempt to address some
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STEM Dreams in Motion - Episode 3

This series of videos highlights contemporary stories of refugees who are considered role models for their tenacity and accomplishments. Each story sheds light on journeys to becoming a STEM professional in the United States. Episode 3 features STEM college students from Syria and Iraq who all
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STEM Dreams in Motion - Episode 2

This series of videos highlights contemporary stories of refugees who are considered role models for their tenacity and accomplishments. Each story sheds light on journeys to becoming a STEM professional in the United States. Episode 2 features Ralph Ngaboyimana. Ralph's family arrived in the United
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Creating 3D Plant Models Using Tinkercad and Fusion 360

Curricular Materials
Student 3D Model of Milkweed
This 3D modeling project addresses the disconnect between science, design and technology, and how high school students can benefit from innovative learning experiences in plant and agriculture sciences that integrate these disciplines while gaining interest in and skills for future STEAM careers. Students use the software Tinkercad or Fusion 360 to create 3D models of species of research importance at the Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO. Students work in collaborative teams made of self-identified scientists, technophiles, and artists. A STEAM approach is applied in which
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NSF Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (ACSER)


The National Science Foundation (NSF) hereby solicits proposals for the establishment of the Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (ACSER) at the original site of the Arecibo Observatory (AO). NSF seeks to evaluate proposals that would transition the existing AO site to the new ACSER, shifting the disciplinary focus from primarily on the astronomical sciences to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research more broadly [1].

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Curricular Materials

CryptoComics is a culturally responsive cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum for 7-11 year old. children. An innovative blend of a comic book, technology-based and unplugged activities engages kids in making and breaking codes, symbolic systems awareness and cryptology careers.

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