*Subject to change (updated 10/18)

Day 1: Tuesday, November 1, 12–4 PM ET
Research Methods & Technology Integration

Start Time Description
11 AM ET (Optional) Pre-meeting virtual networking opportunity
12 PM ET Welcome & Opening Remarks from Dr. James L. Moore, Assistant Director of the Education and Human Resources Directorate and NSF ITEST Program Lead Wu He and Co-Lead Chia Shen
12:30 PM ET Keynote: Kumar Garg, Managing Director at Schmidt Futures
1 PM ET Session 1: Emerging Theoretical Concepts, Instruments, and Tools
2:10 PM ET Poster Sessions & Networking
2:40 PM ET Session 2: Technology Integration and Evidence of Learning
3:40 PM ET End of Day Plenary
4 PM ET (Optional) NSF Program Officer Office Hours


Day 2: Wednesday, November 2, 12–4 PM ET
Impact Generation

Start Time Description
11 AM ET (Optional) Pre-meeting virtual networking opportunity
12 PM ET Welcome: Review of Day 1 and Preview of Day 2
12:10 PM ET Session 1: Partnerships
1:10 PM ET Poster Sessions & Networking
1:40 PM ET Session 2: Sparks & Levers: Career Awareness, Identity, Engagement and Persistence
2:50 PM ET Session 3: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Access (DIEA)
3:35 PM ET Keynote - Reflections on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Access (DIEA):  Jeannine Dingus-Eason, Dean of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development (FSEHD), Rhode Island College
3:50 PM ET End of Day Plenary & Birds of a Feather Nominations
4 PM ET (Optional) NSF Program Officer Office Hours


Day 3: Thursday, November 3, 12–4 PM ET
Moving Forward

Start Time Description
11 AM ET (Optional) Pre-meeting virtual networking opportunity
12 PM ET Welcome & Preview of Day 3
12:05 PM ET NSF Town Hall hosted by EHR DRL Division Director Dr. Evan K. Heit and Deputy Division Director Dr. Elizabeth VanderPutten with panel of ITEST Program Officers
12:25 PM ET Session 1: Scale-up Experiences, Successes, & Challenges
 1:40 PM ET Birds of a Feather Networking Activity
2:10 PM ET Session 2: Emerging Domains
3:20 PM ET Keynote: Dr. Robert Simmons III, Head of Social Impact at Micron Foundation
3:35 PM ET Closing Plenary
4 PM ET (Optional) NSF Program Officer Office Hours