2024 PI Meeting Project Summaries

Thank you for visiting the 2024 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator Meeting Project Summaries. One page descriptions of projects have been added to this library for the meeting. For more information visit the online program for the meeting.

DSAIY 2023 Critical Care Datathon at MIT
DSAIY teaches Rhode Island high school students machine learning concepts and data science skills in healthcare and medicine via a social justice lens. We aim to broaden participation in STEM through an innovative and inclusive learning ecosystem designed for evolving, interdisciplinary technologies. We are researching: how do students and teachers engage in data science and machine learning materials? How do teachers take up and enact materials? How do students engage with the learning…
students coding dash robots in a park
Natural disasters have increased significantly over the past few decades. The UN has released a study that the number of wildfires is expected to rise by 50% by 2100 (United Nations Environment Programe, 2022). The most recent example of this is the Hawaiian island community of Maui. As residents and STEM educators in the State of Hawaiʻi with rich and deep roots in communities on Maui, we apply the STEMS2 (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Sense of Place)…
VR girl
The project developed an after-school program aimed at boosting the STEM career interests of Native American middle-school students. Leveraging digital technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D printing, students tackled spatial design challenges through culturally responsive modules. A co-design process with educators, community members, and students helped integrate cultural knowledge into learning environments relevant to Native American youth. The program…
Role of Data Science in AgTech
Aquaculture is historically significant to Native Hawaiians. Fishponds were essential for food production and held special cultural significance. This project will study integration of sustainable aquaculture practices embraced by Native Hawaiians for centuries with emerging agricultural technologies (AgTech) focused on sensors, measurement, and data science literacy. Students will use smart farming technologies focused on data science to make decisions on growing limu (seaweed). The Institute…
Peering a Generation into the Future
ITEST supports projects to build capacity and interest in STEM. By furnishing innovative experiences for teachers and students now, ITEST hopes to improve lives and the nation’s STEM enterprise in the future. ITEST also supports one retrospective study to envision the future by informing from the past. It asks alums of an “ITEST-similar” program – NSF’s 1990s era Young Scholars Program (YSP) – to reflect on how that NSF support shaped their future.  How do their reflections inform ITEST PIs…
ESTRELLA-Phuong's Group-Flores-Spring 2024
ESTRELLA draws from an interdisciplinary research team with areas of expertise in electrical and computer engineering, bilingual education, and mathematics education. The team collaborates with middle and high school teachers to co-design lessons that advance student understanding of mathematics through computer programming of visual representations. Teachers conduct action research projects to study topics of interest to them as they implement this integrated curriculum. For example, the…
A group of students in Puerto Rico posing in front a screen showing the Fornite interface.
This project builds on the successful Geospatial Semester (GSS) high school course to explore how to infuse a powerful STEM tool into Career and Technical Education (CTE), computer science and social sciences courses in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and schools in Puerto Rico. Our work builds on the core strengths of GSS by providing students with a robust introduction to GIS tools using ArcGIS Online, which is available for free to schools and the lessons are designed to be accessible for…
1 woman and 2 men with safety goggles engaged in soldering a circuit board in an electronics lab setting
The CISTEME365 initiative is in its 6th year of implementation, and despite contextual changes that occurred over the years, this project has remained true to its three pillars of engagement: (1) building a professional learning network for school-based teams made up of counselors, teachers, and other relevant school stakeholders with professional development aimed at providing more equitable and inclusive STEM environments, (2) supporting the implementation of STEM-enrichment clubs at each…
Image of participants playing with a BCI device.
The NeuroVivid project is developing an innovative maker curriculum aimed at strengthening and broadening the talent pool of the future STEM workforce. NeuroVivid empowers a middle-school aged neurodiverse student population from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds by helping them build their own simple EEG circuits to understand and interact with their brain activity. The project leverages low cost simple BCI tools to design an adaptable BCI experience in makerspaces to increase…
Two teen interns work together using a laptop and an arduino board to program LEDs to light up in a specific pattern. In the background, other teen interns work on their projects.
Centered around principles of universal design, designing for accessibility, and engineering with empathy, the Build a Better Book Teen Internship program examines how teen interns’ perceptions of engineering and self-identities as engineers are formed and cultivated as they design and create more accessible products for authentic community clients who are blind or have low vision. Many teens have a limited understanding of what engineering is and what engineers do, and often their perceptions…