Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Resource Library


Welcome to the DEIA Resource Library!


As part of our commitment to building the capacity of current ITEST projects and increasing the cultural and geographical representation of ITEST PIs and populations served, STELAR formed the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Working Group (DEIA WG) in early 2024. The DEIA WG is comprised of a set of five nationally recognized experts who provide recommendations on how STELAR integrates DEIA principles into our work and how we can support the wider ITEST community with relevant research. Read more about the advisors at stelar.edc.org/our-advisors.

The 40 resources listed below were suggested by the DEIA WG as particularly relevant to the work of the ITEST community. We invite you to learn from, incorporate, and build on these works. For additional resources visit our main library: stelar.edc.org/resources.

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Publication / Article 2018

Indigenous sciences are foundationally based in relationships, reciprocity, and responsibilities. These sciences constitute systems of knowledge developed through distinct perspectives on and practices of knowledge creation and decision-making that not only have the right to be pursued on their own terms but may also be vital in solving critical twenty-first-century challenges.

Publication / Report 2020
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Engineering touches every aspect of human life, from providing access to clean drinking water to 5G telecommunications and vaccine development. Yet few young people ever encounter the subject in school or graduate with the foundational skills and knowledge to pursue engineering studies and careers. Now more than ever, we must inspire and prepare our students to grow into the informed designers and innovators the world needs to solve the tough challenges facing us today and in the future.