Lens on Climate Change: Teacher Handbook

Curricular Materials

Overview of the Program The Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) program engages middle and high school students in film production documenting the effects of climatic and environmental changes on their lives and in their communities. Middle and high school students are paired with graduate and undergraduate student mentors to research, film, edit, and ultimately screen their films and participate in a panel discussion. Each student group (4—6 students) is guided by both a science and a film mentor through the completion of the project. The science mentors are science graduate students from the

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2017 Hydroponics Curriculum

Curricular Materials

This curriculum library contains materials and resources for the 2017 Hydroponics Curriculum.AlignmentsBusiness (Jun)Business (New Development)ChemistryEcological ImpactsElementary MaterialsGamesInquiryMath and StatisticsPowerpointsTrobleTools-Resources

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Indigenous Environmental Science 101 (with Drones)

Curricular Materials

This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bridge Idaho Upward Bound program. During a 2-week stay at the McCall Outdoor Science School, students will explore basic environmental science topics through the lens of local and traditional knowledge and the use of remote sensing technology. Students will learn about the use of UAVs to work on local socio-ecological issues and design and conduct student-led projects that explore the application of the technology to issues of interest to them and to their community.Participants will learn about basic environmental science topics like

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Billion Oyster Project Environmental Restoration Science Curricula 2018

Curricular Materials

Students will go outdoors to observe and document the water cycle in motion where they live. Students will also discover how they and their community impact not only the movement of water through the cycle, but also the water quality.ObjectivesDescribe the movement of water through the water cycle. Understand that water changes states when it gains energy from the sun or loses energy to the environment. Understand that gravity causes water to move downhill and to precipitate from the clouds. Create a model of the water cycle using the original pictures of water in the act of precipitating

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STEM Mio Journey

Curricular Materials

STEM Mio aims to impact students, family and the community by engaging students in inquiry-based STEM learning, educating entire families on STEM careers and Latino role models, and preparing students for college pathways to STEM careers.Latinos make up the youngest and fastest growing demographic in the US but remain underrepresented in STEM professions. While clearly capable, Latino students often lack familiarity with potential STEM careers, Latino STEM role models, and the college resources available to them.

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Mystery of Taiga River

Curricular Materials

This game narrative is designed to help players understand the complexities in decision-making that exist in all communities, as they investigate and propose solutions to resolve a fish decline in a small national park. As a part of this experience, students take on the role of a scientific field investigator by interviewing stakeholders, conducting experiments on how water quality affects fish life, and collecting data. They will explore the scientific method to develop hypotheses about the park’s problem and pose possible solutions. Through these efforts they will come to understand the idea

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Restoration Education Guide

Curricular Materials

Earth Partnership offers tools for teachers learning how to guide their students, colleagues and community members through schoolyard restorations. Ten steps form the backbone of the Earth Partnership curriculum:Earth Partnership has innovative curriculum guides that direct interdisciplinary explorations in ecology and restoration. Guides are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core and encourage growth in science, math, literacy, art, social studies, and more.The Restoration Education Guide contains more than 100 lessons keyed to Common Core Standards and Next Generation

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Creating a story for a science or engineering video

Curricular Materials

Students will learn vocabulary about storytelling and through this storytelling vocabulary learn about the most challenging aspect of making a video: Creating an engaging story that is short and effectively conveys a message. Students will watch a short video, identify aspects of it that support their understanding of storytelling vocabulary (video, story, setting, characters, plot, conflict, theme, and solution) and the environment (environment, invasive species, cargo ship, ballast water). They will practice using these words and thinking about these concepts by reading a short story, using

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Learner Attributes and Technology-Enriched Environments Associated with Positive Climate Change Attitudes and Energy and Environmental Science Knowledge in Middle School Students


Pre-post data from 764 treatment and 553 comparison middle school students from nine US states were analyzed to examine STEM-related attitudes and dispositions aligning with climate change beliefs and intentions, and acquisition of energy and environmental science content knowledge. Findings were that at least seven non-cognitive variables contribute between eight and fifteen percent of the beliefs, intentions, and knowledge acquisitions of interest in this study, in linear combinations of subsets of the variables. Implications of these findings for promoting interest in STEM are discussed

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