SciGirls Strategies Implementation Evaluation Report


For the SciGirls Strategies supplemental activity, ten educators were trained to be SciGirls Strategies trainers during June 2019 (see the Training Evaluation Report). During that time, they developedaction plans for their local teacher training. The goal was for each Trainer to train ten or moreteachers in their local schools/districts. Trainers could plan and schedule their workshops to fittheir local context in order to accomplish the objectives of building teacher’s confidence andskills in using gender equitable and culturally responsive teaching strategies. After the trainingworkshop, the

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SciGirls Strategies Training Evaluation Report


For the SciGirls Strategies supplemental activity, ten educators were trained to be SciGirls Strategies Trainers in June 2019. SciGirls Strategies Trainers participated in a four-day (36 hour) in person training Tuesday through Friday, June 25-28, 2019 at Twin Cities PBS in St. Paul. The Gender Equitable Teaching and Advising Strategies (GETAS) training workshop included information on the newly updated (in 2019) SciGirls Strategies: How to Engage Girls in STEM which includes gender equitable and culturally responsive teaching strategies to advise, encourage, recruit and retain girls into CTE

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Supersized Life: Comparing Across Scales

Curricular Materials

DRIVING QUESTION: How wide is the scale of living beings that we encounter, even if we can’t see them? LEARNING GOALS: To prepare and empower students to undertake a more formal study of exponents and logarithms by creating and solving math problems involving changes on a logarithmic base-ten scale. To give students an intuitive sense and appreciation of how large changes by orders of magnitude are. STEM INTEGRATION: Science: Students will learn about animals and viruses that are usually too small and fragile to see and manipulate through 3D printed models of these organisms and information

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Mammal Skull Versus Reptile: What are the differences?

Curricular Materials

DRIVING QUESTION: If you find a fossilized skull, what clues tell you if it is a mammal or reptile? LEARNING GOALS: Learning goals are for students to collect, analyze and interpret data found in 3D printed fossil skulls. Students will be able to understand what type of information fossils can provide, including the environment where animals lived and the type of food they ate. In addition, they will have a better understanding of how much information can be found from past events regardless of size and or/time periods. COLLABORATIONS: Students will be placed in groups of 4. Each member of the

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Museum Makers: Designing With Data

Curricular Materials

This guide describes what took place during NYSCI’s Big Data for Little Kids workshop series, Museum Makers: Designing With Data. In addition to detailed outlines of the activities implemented during the program, this guide includes a glossary of recurrent terms and resources used throughout the workshops. In 2017, as part of a National Science Foundation funded project, the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) set out to teach Big Data concepts to children ages 4 – 8 years old. NYSCI developed and piloted an after-school program for families to utilize the data cycle as a method of informed

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Drones: Summer Engineering Experience for Kids Aeronautical Engineering Engineering Design Challenge

Curricular Materials

Over the course of a week, your young engineers will be taking on the Drone Challenge. Engineers will work in teams of 4-5 to apply the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and the scientific concepts related to simple machines, force, energy and motion. Below you will find your week-at-a-glance, a materials list, and some background information that will help you prepare for the challenge topic area. Also included is a copy of the challenge letter as well as the end of week challenge expectations. Student Challenge Letter: Dear Young Engineers,Drone Flight Incorporated, a leader in the

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