

The curricular materials below have been developed by ITEST projects and shared for dissemination to broader audiences through STELAR’s resource library. ITEST projects work with PreK-12 youth in a variety of STEM disciplines and settings. Additional information is included within each entry, including information about the project’s focus and audience, as well as PDFs and/or URLs to the original resource. These materials are made available for public use through the National Science Foundation’s public access policy, which encourages funded projects to share all materials generated over the course of the grant. Unless otherwise noted, these curricular materials are free to use with appropriate credit to the organization/authors.


SEEK18 Cybersecurity Module Teacher Guide

Curricular Materials

Over the course of a week, your young engineers can take on the Cyber Security Challenge. Engineers will work in teams of 4-5 to apply the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and the scientific concepts related to simple 4 machines, force, energy and motion. Below you will find your week -at-a-glance, a materials list, and some background information that will help you prepare for the challenge topic area. Also included is a copy of the challenge letter as well as the end of week challenge expectations. Student Challenge Letter: Dear Young Engineers, Recent hacking activities in Cyberspace have

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Environmental Education Activities for Teacher Educators: A Sampling from Wisconsin

Curricular Materials

These environmental education activities have been created for teacher educators by teacher educators. Through a grant from the National Science Foundation (DRL 1638420), members of Wisconsin’s higher education programs were invited to participate in two workshops that provided professional development and time to create these activities. The teacher educators have also implemented these activities in their own courses.The resource includes 34 activities that could be used to teach a range of disciplines and licensure levels. Additionally, they are aligned with the Professional Development of

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Veteran's Maker Workshop Featuring Bioinspired Robotics

Curricular Materials

This project will use Maker pedagogy to develop workshops to test its potential for improving the effectiveness of learning pathways in STEM disciplines for military veterans. The workshops will provide training and educational awareness in engineering topics and will include computer-aided design (CAD), rapid prototyping, 3D printing, fundamentals of bio-inspired robotics, and additive manufacturing technologies.

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Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center Curriculum

Curricular Materials

The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center at the Monterey Community College in collaboration with Washington State University is engaging in a scale-up study of the remote operated vehicle (ROV) program to new audiences of middle and high school students and teachers. The MATE ROV competition is an engaging platform to prepare middle and high school students for careers in the ocean STEM workforce. The MATE Center has a variety of curriculum projects: SeaMATE ROV Kit CurriculumUnderwater Robotics TextbookROV Curriculum ResourcesSpanish GalleonOcean Drifter ProjectExploring Ocean

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Generación STEM: Spanish Language STEM Videos

Curricular Materials

Generación STEM is a Spanish language TV series designed for middle and high school Latino youth and their families and is part of the STEM Mio Journeys program, developed by Arizona State University.Powered by CGI’s My Lifelabs platform, the STEM Mio program supports middle and high school Latino youth as they explore their personal passions, match those to STEM futures, connect with Latino STEM mentors, and gain the experiences to become strong college applicants. The STEM Mio journey is inspired through peer stories, supported through carefully designed learning challenges and peer

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Socio-Environmental Science Investigations

Curricular Materials

Socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) are a series of secondary level geospatial investigations that focus on social issues related to environmental science. The investigations focus on local problems and utilize fieldwork to gather data in a local setting. Students use the Esri Collector app to gather geo-referenced data outside their school. The student-collected data is then shared into a Cloud-based map service over the Internet. The collaborative data set is analyzed in, a Web-based GIS with interactive mapping visualization tools that students use to manage, query

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Green Ninja

Curricular Materials

The Green Ninja is a climate-action superhero who fights global warming by inspiring informed personal action. Join the Green Ninja and a vibrant cast of characters as they make the world a greener, more sustainable place to live.

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Preparing Responsive Educators using Place-based Authentic Research in Earth Systems (PREPARES)

Curricular Materials

Preparing Responsive Educators using Place-based Authentic Research in Earth Systems (PREPARES) seeks to expand, implement, and conduct research on a framework for providing indigenous students with the skills and knowledge needed for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. PREPARES includes culturally-relevant climate science instruction for Yup’ik and Native Hawaiian middle-school students and teachers. Students analyze and share climate data unique to their locations, model baseline climate scenarios, and develop management plans for adapting to forecasted impacts.

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Philly Scientists - Biodiversity Project

Curricular Materials

The Philly Scientists project is dedicated to developing innovative science curriculum for in-school and out-of-school programs for middle school students in the West Philadelphia Promise Zone. The website contains insight on curriculum development and an example lesson. The Philly Scientists mobile app was modified from a safari animal tracking tool and walks students through identifying and cataloging neighborhood plants and animals. Local scientists visit the school sites to engage students in discussions about how scientists make good observations and aid in data collection of neighborhood

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