NSF ITEST Proposal Development Workshop - New England


STELAR, in coordination with the Maine Math and Science Alliance, will host an in-person workshop in Augusta, Maine on Friday, June 16. The workshop will cover the critical components of developing a successful NSF ITEST proposal including: forming partnerships, writing a compelling narrative, developing research and evaluation designs that are well-aligned and impactful, planning for fruitful dissemination, preparing a budget, and finally, submitting the proposal to NSF. This workshop will be supported by an online introduction and follow up sessions leading up to the submission deadline.

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STELAR Webinar: Theories of Career Development


The world is changing rapidly and so too are the career opportunities available. How can we best support the career development of youth so that they can take full advantage of what the world has to offer?  What influences career direction?  What elements shaped our own career path? 

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REVISE Webinar: AI and Equity in Informal STEM Learning Feedback Session


The REVISE Center, resource center for the NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program is co-designing a toolkit on AI (artificial intelligence) and Equity in ISE (informal STEM education). To inform their efforts, and to ensure the toolkit reflects the interests, priorities, and concerns of the ISE field, will host an AI Feedback Session on November 20th. During the session, Dr.

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Youth.gov Webinar: Meaningfully Engaging Young People: Principles, Strategies, and Success Stories


The Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP)which is composed of representatives from 13 federal departments and 12 federal agencies that support programs and services focusing on youth, is sponsoring a webinar to help organizations working to improve youth and young adult outcomes learn more about how partnering with young people from the start leads to more effective and impactful outcomes.

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2024 ITEST Program Officer Office Hours - July 10


Join STELAR as we host NSF Program Officers for a series of informal NSF “office hours” in support of those developing an ITEST proposal ahead of the August 9, 2024 solicitation deadline. The meeting will focus on Q&A from attendees and will be geared towards answering general proposal development questions. Participants will be provided the opportunity to ask their questions in advance via the event registration, or at any time during the hour-long event. 

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