
CIRCL eColloq Webinar: Building the Foundational Skills Needed for Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier


Join NSF Resource Center CIRCL, the Center for Innovative Research in CyberLearning, for the third webinar in an eColloq Series on Cyberlearning. This session features presentations by STELAR's Joyce Malyn-Smith and Sarita Pillai, followed by discussion. The eColloq will be chaired by Michael Hoffmann, Georgia Institute of Technology.

The proliferation of new technologies has changed the way we live, learn, and work. Because career development is an iterative process that begins early and is nurtured through both in- and out-of-school experiences, we need to start supporting STEM workforce development long before youth reach the undergraduate level. This webinar discusses a white paper co-authored by the presenters that describes the complexities of the labor market, the future of work and the implications for developing the future workforce, broadening participation at the Human-Technology Frontier, factors affecting STEM career development, and what agencies can do to help guide the next steps in broadening participation and reducing inequality in participation in STEM careers.


Thursday May 31, 2018 from 11 am – 12 pm Pacific / 2-3 pm Eastern.

Register for this webinar: https://edc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_42fuZfSKGTO7UGh

Related Resources:

Malyn-Smith, J., Blustein, D., Pillai, S., Parker, C. E., Gutowski, E., & Diamonti, A. J. (2017). Building the foundational skills needed for success in work at the human-technology frontier. Waltham, MA: EDC.


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STEM Career Opportunities and Workforce Development