
Digital Promise - Listening Sessions: AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning (Session 2)


The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, with support from Digital Promise, will host listening sessions about Artificial Intelligence (AI). We want to hear from all constituents involved in making decisions about technology in education, including but not limited to teachers, educational leaders, students, parents, technologists, researchers, and policy makers. The goal of these listening sessions is to gather input, ideas, and engage in conversations that will help the Department shape a vision for AI policy that is inclusive of cutting-edge research and practices while also informed by the opportunities and risks.

AI and the Future of Learning — June 24, 2022 at 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET — Register Now

We are particularly interested in hearing about the most valuable future uses of AI for learning, which could include applications like providing stronger supports to students with disabilities, extending human tutoring services with AI tutoring, adapting instruction and more. Conversely, we want to interrogate risks which apply both to AI in general and specifically to AI education, such as risks due to bias, unfairness, lack of transparency, issues with privacy and data security, trustworthiness, and more.

Participants may prepare by reading the series of AI-related blogs published by the Office of Educational Technology at https://medium.com/@OfficeofEdTech.

June 24, 12:00 - 1:30PM ET


Digital Promise


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