EDC - The Future of Women Veterans In STEM Webinar Series: Women Veteran Transitions to Civilian Workforce
Women veterans bring many strengths to the civilian workforce, such as leadership, teamwork and problem-solving skills, as well as resilience and persistence. Women veterans are nearly twice as likely to be in a STEM occupation than are non-veteran women. While there have been increase in the number of programs and the availability of support services for veterans, and for women, but to there is currently no structure or system to align all these efforts to serve women veterans. To that end, Education Development Center (EDC) has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NSF INCLUDES to examine how to leverage the unique strengths of women veterans to address barriers to their (re) engagement in the STEM workforce by hosting a virtual convening on this topic in March 2021.
Webinar Topic: Women Veteran Transitions to Civilian Workforce
In this webinar, participants will be provided an overview of NSF-funded Strengthening the Pipeline from Service to STEM for Women Veterans project. We will also release and provide a summary of the second white paper in our series, Women Veterans Transitioning to the STEM Workforce. Participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the white paper and discuss our findings. Participants will also be provided information on our virtual convening, which will take place in March of 2021, and how they can get involved
When: October 20, 2020, 3:30 - 4:30 EST
To register or for more information click on the link: Women Veteran Transitions to Civilian Workforce