i3/EIR STEM and Ed Tech Community Call: Leveraging NSF Funding
STELAR is pleased to announce an open invitation for i3/EIR STEM and broader Ed Tech Community!
Our next community call will take place on Thursday, June 21 from 2 – 3 p.m. ET on leveraging NSF grants to sustain, adapt and/or scale your programs! Let us know if you plan to join us by registering here so that we can send you the call logistics! Come prepared with your funding questions, sustainability challenges, and scaling dilemmas as we've lined up a number of individuals to help us get the conversation started including two i3 grantees who have supported their projects with both ED and NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) grants:
Sarita Pillai (Principal Investigator) and Carrie Parker (Co-Principal Investigator)
STEM Learning and Research Center (STELAR)
STELAR is a NSF resource center led by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC). The center is charged with building the capacity and magnifying the results of ITEST projects to deepen the impact of the ITEST program. In addition to facilitating a national community of practice, STELAR helps grantees develop competitive proposals and supports their efforts to identify potential partners.
Kimberly A. Scott (Project Director) and Margaret (Peggy) Clements (External Evaluator, American Institutes for Research)
i3 GRANTEE (2016 - ): Arizona State University
PROJECT: COMPUGIRLS Remixed: Developing a Culturally Responsive Social System
With NSF ITEST funding (2008-2013), COMPUGIRLS implemented a culturally responsive computing curricula to teach social justice issues and foster STEM-related outcomes for 100 adolescent (grades 8-12) girls in after-school and summer school settings. With a second NSF grant (2012 - 2018), ASU scaled their program to prepare 700 girls attending high-need schools to enter the STEM workforce. ASU is now leveraging i3 funding to adapt and scale its after-school model to COMPUPOWER, an in-school model that aims to improve the non-cognitive and computational thinking skills of students attending high-need rural and urban schools.
Jonathan Costa (Project Director), Kevin Glass (EdAdvance), Elizabeth Radday (EdAdvance), and Katherine Shields (EDC)
i3 GRANTEE (2010 - 2015): Education Connection (now EdAdvance)
PROJECT: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education for the 21st Century (STEM21)
With i3 funding, EdAdvance designed and operated the STEM21 Academy, a standards-based, next generation STEM course sequence (G9- 12) delivered in an interactive blended learning environment. EdAdvance is currently leveraging NSF ITEST funding to transition from STEM21, a research-based learning lab, to SKILLS21STEM Starter, an incubator and launch pad to STEM entrepreneurship and careers for more than 1,100 predominantly underrepresented students grades in a high school Capstone course.