NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub webinar: Leadership and Communication
Join the NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub Leadership & Communication: Co-Creating Alignment and Awareness webinar:
Wed., June 17, from 2:00-3:00 pm ET.
Three National Network members will share their experiences and collectively explore topics related to effective strategies for co-creating a shared vision and facilitating clear communication with partners as well as tools and techniques for tactical efforts like establishing best practices for effective virtual meetings and disseminating information to core external audiences.
Featured Network members:
- Brianna Blaser, Project Coordinator for AccessINCLUDES at the DO-IT Center
- Mimi Lufkin, CEO Emerita NAPE and was the PI for the NSF INCLUDES DDLP, IM STEM
- Jenniffer Santos-Hernández, Researcher for Minority SURGE Capacity in Disasters
Leadership and Communication is one of NSF’s five elements of Collaborative Infrastructure and these skills are more essential than ever. This Q&A session will highlight the enduring lessons and key strategies for both internal communication with partners and external communication with stakeholders.
Registration is here.