
MSPnet Academy Webinar: STEM Integration and the NGSS - Melding engineering with science and mathematics


The Framework for K-12 Education and subsequent Next Generation Science Standards have detailed the content and practices most central to science education and for the first time, included engineering as an important element in science education. Curriculum designers, educators and researchers were challenged to create instructional materials that aligned with this new vision of integrated education while providing support for teachers needed for effective implementation.

This webinar will feature the efforts of two projects who responded to this call: PISA2: Partnership to Improve Student Achievement in Physical Science: Integrating STEM Approaches project from the Stevens Institute of Technology, which focused on elementary school, and Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated to Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) project, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, which focused on middle and high school. During this webinar researchers from both projects will discuss the integrated curriculum, partnerships with local schools and professional development for teachers and results to date.

Presenters: Jeff Rosen, Jayma Koval, Kathy Kennedy
Date: February 15, 2018 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Who can join: This webinar is available to the public


Visit MSPnet to register: http://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/webinars/webinar_info?id=568 


MSPnet is created and facilitated by the Center for School Reform at TERC. This site is supported by the National Science Foundation #1240555. Opinions expressed on this site are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Foundation.


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Partnerships and Collaboration
STEM Content and Standards