
NSF ITEST Office Hours: Scaling Expanding and Iterating (SEI) Project Type


Join STELAR as we host NSF Program Officers for an Q&A session in support of those developing a Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) project type proposal ahead of the August 9 ITEST solicitation (22-585) deadline. 

"SEI studies are designed to build on and expand an existing innovation that has evidence of success (including DTI projects or similar innovations previously developed within or outside of the ITEST portfolio)." (NSF 22-585)

NSF Program Officers will spend the hour answering general questions on submitting a competitive ITEST SEI proposal. The meeting format will be an “office hours” style discussion and participants should bring their questions or submit them in advance via the registration form. Visit our ITEST SEI resource page to view previous presentations, access to the ITEST SEI Concept Worksheet, and review additional resources: 

There will be two opportunities to attend the SEI Office Hours:

Tuesday, June 18, 2-3 PM ET Thursday, June 20, 2-3 PM ET
Register for June 18 Register for June 20


Please note: These sessions are designed to answer questions for a broad range of researchers and should not be used for inquiries about specific project details. If you would like to talk to about a specific proposal you are considering submitting or which was already reviewed, please complete the ITEST SEI Concept Worksheet or email drlitest@nsf.gov. This will connect you with program officers with whom you can ask these questions.

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Event Type
Public Event


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End date

Registration Open Date
Registration Close Date
Sustainability and Scale-Up