
NSF Webinar: Guidance for ITEST SEI Proposals on Scaling Prior Research


NSF Program Officers Arlene de Strulle and Stephanie Teasley presented on the essential components of successful Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) ITEST proposals. This presentation addressed the following points: 

  • How SEI differs from the other ITEST project types, 

  • Essential components that should be discussed in an SEI proposal, 

  • What reviewers are instructed to look for in their review of SEI proposals,  

  • How research methodology should be adapted to scale,  

  • Submitting a concept worksheet 

This webinar was the first in a series of supports to encourage SEI proposals for the August 11, 2023 ITEST solicitation deadline. To view the NSF Webinar: Guidance for ITEST SEI Proposals on Scaling Prior Research slides, access the NSF SEI worksheet, and learn more about best practices in developing an ITEST SEI proposal, go to: https://stelar.edc.org/scaling-expanding-and-iterating-innovations-sei  


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Sustainability and Scale-Up