
STELAR Webinar: 2015 NSF ITEST Solicitation Information


STELAR hosted an informational webinar with NSF Program Officers to discuss the 2015 ITEST solicitation.

The slides and a recording of the presentation are available on this page for your review.

Solicitation link: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15599/nsf15599.htm

Proposals due: November 13, 2015

Synopsis of ITEST Program:

ITEST is a program that promotes PreK-12 student interests and capacities to participate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future. To achieve this objective, ITEST supports the development, implementation, and selective spread of innovative strategies for engaging students in experiences that: (1) increase student awareness of STEM and ICT careers; (2) motivate students to pursue the education necessary to participate in those careers; and/or (3) provide students with technology-rich experiences that develop their knowledge of related content and skills (including critical thinking skills) needed for entering the STEM workforce. ITEST projects may adopt an interdisciplinary focus on multiple STEM domains, focus on a single domain, or focus on one or more sub-disciplines within a domain. ITEST projects must involve students, and may also include teachers. The ITEST program is especially interested in broadening participation of students from traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM fields and related education and workforce domains. Projects that actively engage business and industry partners to better ensure that PreK-12 experiences foster the knowledge and skill-sets needed for emerging STEM-related occupations are strongly encouraged. ITEST supports two project types: Strategies projects and SPrEaD (Successful Project Expansion and Dissemination) projects. Strategies projects support the design, implementation, and testing of innovative educational experiences that support the objectives of the ITEST program. SPrEaD projects support the wider and broader testing and dissemination of promising strategies to generate evidence and greater understanding of contextual factors that operate to enhance, moderate, or constrain anticipated project impacts. All ITEST projects may include activities designed to inform judgments regarding the feasibility of implementing strategies in typical learning environments associated with formal classrooms, out-of-school settings, or combinations of such environments. The ITEST program also invites proposals for an ITEST Resource Center to provide technical assistance to projects and provide assistance with the outreach activities of the ITEST program.

Revisions to this solicitation:

  • Clarification of expectations for research plans
  • Clarification of expectations for project evaluation
  • Addition of Solicitation Specific Review Criteria related to broadening participation goals
  • Addition of a funding track for an ITEST Resource Center


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Registration Open Date
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