
STEM for All Multiplex: Theme of the month - Developing K-12 STEM Career Pathways for the Future of Work


This month’s theme explores STEM career pathways and ways to prepare youth for the future of work. The theme’s playlist, webinar and follow-on discussion explores strategies that can be used to build students’ skills and dispositions in key areas including interdisciplinary teamwork, design and systems thinking, lifelong learning, and real-world problem solving. The career pathway system provides a framework to develop K–12 experiences to ensure that all youth have equitable access to pursue careers in STEM fields.

This webinar will be moderated by Dr. Joyce Malyn Smith, a Senior Advisor who is a national expert on STEM career and workforce development with a deep knowledge of how learners develop skills in formal and informal settings to prepare for productive and rewarding work life. She has a special interest in the innovation economy and how technology and informal learning can spark creativity and cultivate and sustain interest in STEM careers. See Full Bio

Panelists include: Dr. Jaymee Nanasi Davis, Dr. Jackie DeLisi, Dr. Jon Boxerman, Dr. Helen Zhang

New Introductory Blog!

In this new blog post, Sarah MacGillivray and Joyce Malyn-Smith introduce this month's theme and the upcoming webinar. Read More

For more information or to register: https://multiplex.videohall.com/month_themes/16



Theme of the month panelist
Event Type
Public Event


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