
ITEST Webinar: Steps along the Pathway: Charting an Outcomes-Based Career Development Continuum for Hands-On STEM Programs


Presenters: Svetlana Darche, WestEd; Erin Fender, Career Academy Support Network

Summary: One of the key elements of the ITEST program is workforce development, as reiterated in the recent program solicitation synopsis. ITEST supports the research and development of innovative models for engaging K-12 students in authentic experiences that build their capacity to participate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future.  ITEST Principal Investigators Svetlana Darche from WestEd and Erin Fender from the Career Academy Support Network shared their over 15 years of work in career-related high school reform to discuss the steps along an experiential career development continuum -- from career awareness to preparation -- with outcomes that can be expected along the way and examples from STEM programs.


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STEM Career Opportunities and Workforce Development