
Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS)


The Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS) instrument was developed to measure (a) change of science-related attitudes over time among middle school and high school students, and (b) the effect of similar curricula on the attitudes of different classes.  This instrument uses 25 items, each using a 5-point Likert scale.  There are three forms of this instrument (A, B, and C); these forms share 8 items, and the other 17 items are unique to the form.

The link provides both the CARS, its documentation, and its reviews.  The attachment includes just the instrument documentation.

Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.


STELAR is not the author of these materials and cannot provide information on validity or permission for use. Permissions must be requested through the publisher or authors listed below.


Youth Motivation and Interests in STEM
Program in Education Afterschool & Resiliency (PEAR)
File Attachment(s)
Target Gradespan(s)
Middle school (6-8)
High school (9-12)
Additional Disciplines
Bioscience - general
Computer Science - general
Environmental Science - general
Additional Target Participants