
STEM Learning Activation survey


Designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, these survey scales are used to assess an individual across multiple dimensions of STEM learning activation (Fascination, Values, Competency Belief, Innovation Stance). Please note that these can be used in conjunction with the scientific sensemaking scale included in Science Learning Activation survey. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of STEM learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions.

1. Fascination - Fascination involves positive affect towards doing STEM activities, curiosity about the natural and built world, and goals of acquiring and mastering skills and ideas related to STEM. The STEM Fascination scale of the STEM Learning Activation survey is to measure an individual’s STEM fascination at the time the survey responses are collected. It has 8 items on a 4-point scale (4 = YES! to 1 = NO!).

2. Values - Learners who value STEM place importance on knowing and being able to do STEM activities because of their utility in meeting personal goals (e.g., fixing a problem at home) and their utility to society (e.g., solving environmental problems). The STEM Values scale of the STEM Learning Activation survey is to measure an individual’s STEM Values at the time the survey responses are collected. It has 10 items with response options from 1 to 4.

3. Competency Belief - Competency beliefs are the learner’s beliefs about their ability to successfully participate in diverse STEM learning situations as well as their beliefs about having the core skills of required for STEM learning. The STEM Competency Beliefs scale of the STEM Learning Activation survey is to measure an individual’s STEM Competency Beliefs at the time the survey responses are collected. It has 12 items with response options from 1 to 4.

4. Innovation Stance - One’s innovation stance is characterized by their comfort taking risks, appreciation of new ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and desire to do something different or unique. It has 12 items with response options from 1=NO! to 4=YES!


STELAR is not the author of these materials and cannot provide information on validity or permission for use. Permissions must be requested through the publisher or authors listed below.


STEM Career Opportunities and Workforce Development
Youth Motivation and Interests in STEM
The Activation Lab (
Target Gradespan(s)
Middle school (6-8)
High school (9-12)
Additional Disciplines
Bioscience - general
Computer Science - general
Engineering - general
Environmental Science - general
Mathematics - general
Additional Target Participants