MarineTech - STEM Preparation through Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Experiences - Collaborative Research
MarineTech will serve 60 students in grades eight through twelve, over a period of three years, providing 144 hours of instruction and hands-on learning experiences in the fields of marine engineering and physical sciences with a shipbuilding focus. MarineTech concurrently targets 60 math, science, and technology education teachers for grades eight through twelve, each of whom will receive 40 hours of summer professional development and 40 hours of follow-up training and support.MarineTech addresses the urgent need to enhance under-represented students' interest and performance in STEM courses, while fostering skills that are important prerequisites for STEM careers, particularly in marine engineering, physical science and information technology. In the near term, the project will incorporate activities designed to boost student scores on academic achievement measures. However, the project also addresses the critical shortage of qualified workers needed to sustain the ship building and repair industry in the USA.