Meeting Agenda

 Sessions marked with this symbol were livestreamed and recorded.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Start Time


7:30 AM ET 

Registration and Light Refreshments

8:30 AM ET 

Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • NSF Program Director Wu He & Co-Director Chia Shen
  • NSF DRL Acting Division Director Monya Ruffin
  • NSF Directorate for STEM Education Assistant Director James L. Moore
9:00 AM ET

ITEST Portfolio Address by Dr. Wu He, ITEST Program Director   

9:15 AM ET 

Megan Bang Keynote and Q&A   Access slides.

Keynote speaker Megan Bang, Professor of the Learning Sciences and Director of the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research at Northwestern University, addressed the ITEST community and answer questions from in-person and remote audiences.

9:45 AM ET 

Orientation to breakout sessions

10:00 AM ET 


10:20 AM ET 

Breakouts: Pillar 1 - Innovative Use of Technology

12:00 PM ET 


1:00 PM ET 

Breakouts: Pillar 2 - Partnerships for Career and Workforce Preparation

2:30 PM ET 


3:00 PM ET 

Breakouts: Pillar 3 - Strategies for Equity

4:30 PM ET 

Break and Preparing for Poster and Tech Exhibitions

5:00 PM ET 

Poster Exhibition and Reception


Tuesday, May 7, 2024



7:30 AM ET 

Breakfast and Recap of Day 1

8:15 AM ET 

Keynote   and Q&A   Access slides.

Keynote speaker Jacob Martinez, founder and CEO of Digital NEST, delivered a keynote address and answered questions from the in-person and remote audiences. 

8:45 AM ET 

Day 2 Overview

9:00 AM ET 

Share Out: Big Ideas from ITEST Pillars

Pillar 1: Innovative use of Technology

Pillar 2: Partnerships for Career and Workforce Preparation

Pillar 3: Strategies for Equity

10:25 AM ET 


10:40 AM ET 

Birds of a Feather Breakouts

11:40 AM ET 


12:20 PM ET 

Voices from the Community Panel


1:30 PM ET 


1:45 PM ET 

Program Presentations

Presentations by:

2:45 PM ET 

Town Hall

3:15 PM ET 

Next Steps and Adjourn

3:30 PM ET 

Informal office hours with NSF POs


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Optional legislative visits.