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Engaging, educating, and empowering families in STEM through home-school-community partnerships

SISTEM is supporting PreK students’ integrated science, language, and literacy learning by creating a coherent model of family-school-community partnership with a focus on multilingual learner’s (MLs). EDC and the Connecticut Science Center (CSC) are collaborating to engage children, families, teachers, and the community to form powerful partnerships that fuel children’s science and language learning across multiple settings. The project aims to enrich the quality and quantity of science and language learning environments for young MLs, building their confidence in doing and learning science and introducing them to a variety of STEM career options. SISTEM contributes to children’s STEM interests, self-confidence, and foundational habits of mind by activating 4 synergistic approaches: • engaging families of MLs as their children’s STEM advocates • promoting teachers’ pedagogies in inquiry, oral language, and family engagement for MLs • forging strong relationships among families and teachers and • creating home/school/community STEM partnerships. Ultimately, SISTEM aims to support families, teachers, formal and informal science educators, and STEM workers in local communities to create and facilitate experiences for young children that spark children’s scientific thinking, interest, and confidence in doing and learning science, while promoting language learning and raising awareness of the value of creating a science learning ecosystem across home, school, and community.

Pillar 1: Innovative Use of Technologies in Learning and Teaching

SISTEM employed innovative uses of technology to: (1) support children’s inquiry at home and school using PEEP and the Big Wide World/El Mundo Divertido de PEEP parent and teacher-facing resources; (2) supported home/school connections using photos and videos; and (3) enriched teacher coaching with virtual PLCs. PEEP’s resources include three mobile apps that provide guidance for engaging children in physical science while supporting inquiry and language development.

Pillar 2: Partnerships for Career and Workforce Preparation.

SISTEM expanded existing home-school-community partnerships to include local STEM industry partners and increased access to diverse STEM professional role-models. SISTEM promoted STEM workforce preparation for PreK children by recruiting STEM community helpers from local industry and building on the PreK theme of “community helpers” which fosters children’s understanding about who lives and works in their community. STEM community helpers engaged children, families and educators at the CSC in fun and playful ways.

Pillar 3: Strategies for Equity in STEM Education

SISTEM focused on PreK MLs and their families who have historically been underserved by the science and STEM education community and used the Dual Capacity-Building Framework to strengthen schools’ and teachers’ ability to welcome and engage ML families, and to effectively harness the power of ML’s informal experiences at home and in the community to support children’s interests and confidence in doing and learning science. Family/teacher workshops promoted home/school collaborations that fuel ML’s science learning.
A child playing with a toy car on a ramp
Target Gradespan(s)
Early Childhood (PK)
Target Participant(s)
Youth / students
Parents / caregivers / families
Hispanic/Latino participants
English learners
Students eligible for free lunch or reduced-price lunch
Project Setting(s)
Formal Education
Informal Education
Developing and Testing Innovations (DTI)



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