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WATERS: Watershed Awareness using Technology and Environmental Research for Sustainability

The WATERS project addresses the need for water education and career readiness by developing and researching a universally accessible, student-centered curriculum that employs Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. This approach ensures that learning about water quality, usage, and stewardship is accessible to all students, enhancing their understanding of and engagement with vital water issues. Through hands-on activities, local data, and geospatial analysis, the curriculum aims to increase student interest in STEM careers by exploring watershed-related geographic, social, political, and environmental concepts. Conducted in diverse middle school science classrooms across CA, OR, PA, and VA, our research focuses on the impact of UDL integration on student learning, development of 21st-century skills, and interest in water-related careers. Notably, our findings show that students with disabilities who has access to UDL technologies achieved significantly higher content knowledge scores compared to their peers in the control group, underscoring the effectiveness of tailored educational supports in fostering equitable learning opportunities. Through WATERS, we are preparing a new generation to effectively steward our water resources and pursue STEM careers, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Pillar 1: Innovative Use of Technologies in Learning and Teaching

The WATERS project leverages Universal Design for Learning (UDL) technologies to tailor educational experiences, ensuring accessibility for all students. By integrating UDL technologies, interactive tools and GIS modeling technologies into our curriculum, we enhance student engagement and understanding of complex watershed issues. This approach significantly boosts learning outcomes, particularly for students with disabilities, by adapting content delivery to diverse learning needs.

Pillar 2: Partnerships for Career and Workforce Preparation.

The WATERS project collaborates with local water agencies and environmental professionals via career videos to connect classroom learning with real-world water career opportunities. These partnerships provide students with practical insights into the water industry, enhancing their readiness for STEM careers. By bridging academic concepts with professional practices, we prepare students to meet the future demands of the workforce in water-related fields.

Pillar 3: Strategies for Equity in STEM Education

The WATERS project adopts a multifaceted approach to equity in STEM education by integrating UDL principles, ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities can access and engage with the curriculum. We focus on hands-on, inclusive activities that highlight diverse career paths in water-related fields, aiming to inspire a broader demographic of students to pursue STEM careers.
Students exploring a stream
Environmental sciences
Target Gradespan(s)
Middle school (6-8)
Target Participant(s)
Youth / students
Project Setting(s)
Formal Education



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