
2017 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting - Call for Papers


Welcome to the 2017 American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting in Boston, MA! You will be joined by fellow geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIScience. The meeting will be held from April 5-9, 2017, and will feature over 6,600 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. 

The 2017 Meeting will be headquartered at the Hynes Convention Center, located in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston. Sessions and events will also take place at the official 2017 AAG Meeting hotels: the Sheraton Boston and the Marriott Copley Place. The additional meeting venues are located steps away from the Hynes Convention Center.

Featured Themes

Each year, the AAG identifies a few themes for its Annual Meeting to help focus discussion and provide a fresh and engaging structure to the conference program. Of course, attendees are also invited to develop themes relevant to the meeting's location or influenced by political and intellectual trends within the discipline. As always, any topic relevant to geography is welcome at the AAG annual meeting. Featured Themes for the 2017 Annual Meeting will be shared in the coming months - stay tuned!

Call for Papers and Organized Sessions

Note: In order to submit an abstract or session you must first pay the Annual Meeting Registration fee.  The AAG accepts all submitted abstracts and organized sessions for presentation. You may only submit one abstract for presentation and be a panelist in one panel session. If you opt not to submit an abstract, you may be a panelist twice. There is no limit on how many sessions you may organize.

Important Dates

  • August 1, 2016: AAG call for papers opens, abstract submission begins
  • October 27, 2016: abstract submission deadline
  • November 17, 2016: session organization deadline
  • February 23, 2017: deadline for submitting poster abstracts
  • February 23, 2017: abstract and session editing deadline
  • April 5 - 9, 2017: AAG 2017 Boston Annual Meeting


Additional Disciplines
Environmental Science - general
Environmental Science - ecological research and analysis
Environmental Science - GIS/GPS