2017 NAPE National Summit for Education Equity (NSEE)
The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) will hold their 2017 National Summit for Education Equity (NSEE) from April 24-27, 2017 in Arlington, VA.
To register please visit the following link: http://nsee.info/registration/
The National Summit for Educational Equity brings together leaders in educational equity to build capacity, knowledge, and skills to transform education, enrich classrooms, and improve student success.
NSEE brings together the researchers and practitioners in educational equity to share best practices and build a learning community of professionals. The conference offers workshops and sessions that engage participants in learning about new research, tools, and strategies for improving policies and practices to close achievement, participation, and interest gaps.
The theme of the 2017 NSEE is Reach Greater Heights with Access, Equity, and Diversity.
About NAPE
The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) is a consortium of state and local agencies, corporations, and national organizations, and though chartered in 1990, the history dates back to 1979. NAPE strives to achieve its mission of building educators’ capacity to implement effective solutions for increasing student access, educational equity, and workforce diversity.
The NAPE Education Foundation, Inc. was established in 2002 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in response to requests for assistance by education and workforce agencies across the nation. The Foundation shares NAPE’s commitment to the advancement of access, equity, and diversity in classrooms and workplaces. The Foundation’s work centers on providing professional development, tools and resources, and technical assistance and conducting research to enhance students’ career options. Its primary customers are public education (middle school, high school, and community college) professionals and policymakers.
Learn more about NAPE.