
2017 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase: Research & Design for Impact


We invite you to present at the third interactive, online video showcase event, which will take place on May 15th - 22nd 2017

2017 NSF STEM for All Video Showcase: Research & Design for Impact. Share your cutting edge work by creating a 3-minute video and then discussing it with your colleagues, stakeholders and the public during a week-long interactive event.

Last year’s online video showcase attracted tens of thousands of participants. It allowed presenters to learn about the current work being conducted by colleagues funded in different programs at NSF and beyond. Participants also reported reaching new people interested in taking part in or adapting their project and utilizing project resources, as well as gathering new ideas, contacts, resources, and potential future collaborations.

This year’s theme is research and design for impact. Your video should describe the need that inspired your project, illustrate your intervention or innovation, and discuss your project’s impact. If your project is newly funded, describe the potential that you see for impact and how you intend to measure it. Below we provide some forms of impact that you might consider, but feel free to enrich the conversation by suggesting other forms of impact that you are envisioning:

  • Immediate: Has positive impact on project participants
  • Educational practice: Offers a model of evidence-based practice to formal and informal educators, school leaders, etc.
  • Research and theory: Provides evidence that advances the field or a generative framework for others
  • Other stakeholders: Addresses the concerns of families, employers, and policymakers

Interested in participating? Here are important dates to keep in mind:

  • Registration, which is mandatory for participation, will run until February 15, 2017.
  • Videos must be submitted no later than April 26, 2017. They must be less than three minutes long with audible sound.
  • The interactive event will take place May 15-May 22.

Questions? Email contact@stemforall.videohall.com

This event is facilitated by TERC, in collaboration with six NSF funded resource centers: MSPnet, CADRE, CIRCL, CAISE, STELAR, and CS for All Teachers resource centers. It is funded by the National Science Foundation.

The 2017 Showcase follows on the success of the 2016 NSF Video Showcase: Advancing STEM All and the 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. The 2015 and 2016 showcases together attracted about 50,000 participants and received accolades from NSF program officers. Your participation will make the 2017 event equally successful in sharing of work across NSF programs and with the public at large, and also in promoting reflective collegial discourse.

video showcase sponsoring centers



Additional Disciplines
Bioscience - general
Bioscience - bioinformatics
Bioscience - biomedicine
Bioscience - biotechnology
Bioscience - DNA analysis/sequencing
Bioscience - neuroscience
Computer Science - general
Computer Science - computer hardware
Computer Science - gaming and simulations
Computer Science - general skills and mathematics
Computer Science - multimedia - audio, video and animation
Computer Science - programming
Computer Science - web development
Engineering - general
Engineering - aerospace
Engineering - astronomy
Engineering - design
Engineering - nanotechnology
Engineering - robotics
Environmental Science - general
Environmental Science - climate modeling
Environmental Science - ecological research and analysis
Environmental Science - GIS/GPS
Environmental Science - remote sensing technology
Mathematics - general