97th Annual NARST International Conference
As an organization, NARST is committed to the improvement of science teaching and learning through research and one of the target audiences for our research is policymakers. Our research-based reflections on the implementation of these current reforms can inform future policy as we explore what is working and what is not working in formal K-12 spaces, higher education settings, and informal spaces.
Please read the instructions in the Call for Proposals prior to submitting a conference proposal. NARST has Oxford Abstracts as the proposal submission and review system.
Proposals are due August 15, 2023, by 5 pm your local time.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at jmutegi@odu.edu.
Join us for NARST's 97th Annual International Conference, March 17-20, 2024, in Denver, CO, USA. Additionally, we are planning one online conference day on Friday, March 8, 2024. Recordings of the online conference will be available to registered conference attendees at a later date. Learn more on the Conference web page.
The conference theme, Science Education for the Rest of Us, is intended to foreground the purpose of science education, and to draw our collective attention to the many socio-scientific issues that are increasingly important in modern society but have yet to find a place in the standard K-12 curriculum. There is no better place to engage in this exciting work than with colleagues at the 2024 NARST Annual Conference.