AEA Dialogues on Race and Class in America
The American Evaluation Association (AEA) will be hosting a series of national dialogues to reflect and promote positive actions on the deeply rooted, and structurally intertwined issues behind the headlines that propel racial, ethnic, and class disparities in our society. These complimentary discussions will bring evaluators, policy analysts, and applied researchers together to discern ways to proactively engage entrenched issues as the nation goes from one headline making incident to the next.
Moderated by: Melvin Hall, Northern Arizona University Professor, Former Member AEA Board of Directors
Panelists: Kristen Harper, Senior Policy Specialist, Child Trends; Nick Hart, President, Washington Evaluators; Kien Lee, Principal Associate/Vice President, Community Science; Guadalupe Pacheco, President/CEO, Pacheco Consulting Group, LLC; Debra Rog, Vice President, Westat, Former AEA President; Veronica Thomas, Howard University Professor
Click here for more information on our panelists.
Monday, January 30, 2017
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
George Washington University
Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration
Jack Morton Auditorium
805 21st Street NW, Washington, DC 20052