
Call for Papers - CREA 5th International Conference


The Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) invites contributions to its fifth international conference, to be held March 27-29, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois.

Conference theme: Intersectionality as Critical Inquiry, Method, and Practice: Beyond Categories and Dichotomies in Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment

Purpose: Escalating domestic and global tensions in social, political, and economic institutions require that we urgently expand how we conceptualize our work, to end under-representation of the issues facing People of Color. When we frame the issues and opportunities that define our work, understanding intersectionality is essential if we are to avoid prioritizing the needs of some over the conditions of others. Too often we ignore the cumulative effect on those at the intersection of multiple sources of inequity. Refining our lens to see these issues more clearly is of paramount importance to culturally responsive practice.

The 2019 CREA conference issues a call for papers that demonstrate the ways in which intersectionality illuminates our understanding of education, health care, criminal justice, social services and workforce issues.

Papers are invited that address one or more of the following:
1. Reports of interventions—We invite papers that describe interventions/programs addressing a particular type of inequity primarily including discussions of outcomes and impacts.
2. Development of an intersectional evidence base—We invite papers that discuss new ways of thinking about evidence of effectiveness and program impact within interventions that target people of color including indigenous and tribal specific communities.
3. Theories of change that incorporate an intersectional perspective—We invite papers that explore the plausibility and testability of various theories of change that address inequities in specific, local or global circumstances.
4. Instrumentation—We invite papers that address issues in the development of measures and indicators that are sensitive to capturing changes in underrepresented individuals and communitiesthat are targeted in programs and interventions.
5. Critical reflection —We invite papers that deconstruct dynamics of power and privilege surrounding evaluation and assessment while closely examining the cultural location of our work as well as its ethical and moral complexities given intersectional considerations.

Deadline for the call for papers: September 15, 2018


Cultural Relevance, Equity, and Diversity