
ETRD Call for Papers - Special Issue: Methodologies for Research on Educational Technology: Emerging Approaches


Educational technology research and development (ETRD), a bi-monthly publication of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, is accepting papers for its special issue: Methodologies for Research on Educational Technology: Emerging Approaches

Focus & Scope

Ed Tech research can be understood as an interdisciplinary research endeavor relating to many disciplines. The focus of ETR&D can be located in the learning and educational sciences, which in itself are considered as interdisciplinary fields of studies. In the context of this discussion, the Special Issue will showcase new approaches for research on educational technologies and present methodological approaches that have the potential to provide a fresh perspective and ignite a new discourse for the advancement of Ed Tech research.

Authors are invited to present their view on the future of research methodologies and methods in Ed Tech research. Submissions that successfully present the research in 5,000 words are particularly welcome but should not exceed 8,000 words. We particularly welcome submission like the following (list not extensive):

  • a conceptual paper explaining an innovative research method in Ed Tech which provides examples from studies published before (at least one of the examples should be originated by the authors).
  • a systematic review analyzing the state of research methods in the field of Ed Tech providing new insights into trends and perspectives
  • a theoretical paper outlining emerging methodologies and methods for research on Ed Tech with a positioning into different research paradigms.
  • a current study that focuses on emerging research methods or incorporates multiple research methods.

Authors should submit a 3-page outline proposal including a tentative title, information about contributing author(s), abstract, keywords and key references by March 15, 2022. Early submissions are encouraged. 

Read the full call on ETRD's website for additional information: https://www.springer.com/journal/11423/updates/20091702


Deadline for proposal outlines: March 15, 2022 


