2017 Data Science Education Technology Conference
The Data Science Education Technology Conference will be held from February 15-17, 2017 in Berkeley, CA.
To join the waitlist please visit the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfynw5mHNfiyVPKAmivVIJiHhiyrsO5MUXZx1aeHyG3Mo1wOg/viewform?c=0&w=1
This will be a groundbreaking event in the emerging field of data science education, supported by the National Science Foundation-funded project developing CODAP.
Connect. Join a growing community of data science educators and expand your network. There will be plenty of downtime for informal and impromptu connecting with colleagues. We’ll provide innovative networking tools.
Innovate. Work with programmers and educators and learn new strategies to make use of open-source software, new methods of integrating data science with content learning, and new ways to provide learners with access to data.
Discover Data Solutions. Get access to CODAP and other free, open-source technologies to help as you develop online materials in which students use data.
Participate. Learn, discuss, design, and create. Session leaders are experts in making use of CODAP and other data technologies for developing online materials for courses, citizen science, and public dissemination of data.