
Mentor Connect: STEM Two-Year College Faculty Development & NSF ATE Grant Writing Assistance Opportunity


Mentor-Connect, a leadership development & outreach initiative for the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program has announced that they are now accepting applications for their 7th cohort of two-year college faculty mentorship program. This year twenty, two-year college teams will be selected to join their 2019 technical assistance and mentoring support cohort.

STEM faculty teams receive mentoring, instruction, and resources to assist their colleges with grant writing. Faculty also engage in project management and leadership development. The goal of Mentor-Connect, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is to develop or strengthen technician education programs in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.  

College teams selected for Mentor-Connect will be expected to attend two, in-person workshops: The first in New Orleans, LA (February 5-8, 2019) and the second in St. Louis, MO (July 23-25). Travel support for project participants is provided. 

Visit the Mentor-Connect website for more information: http://www.mentor-connect.org/get-a-mentor.aspx  

Learn more about the NSF Advanced Technological Education  (ATE) Program: https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5464 

Applications will be accepted through October 12, 2018.

