
NSF 24-602: Discovery Research PreK-12 Program Resource Center on Transformative Education Research and Translation (DRK-12 RC) Program Solicitation


This solicitation seeks proposals for the Discovery Research PreK-12 program’s Resource Center (DRK-12 RC) on Transformative Education Research and Translation. 

The DRK-12 RC will be an intellectual partner as NSF seeks to enhance the overall influence and reach of the DRK-12 Program’s research and development investments. In this partner role, the DRK-12 RC will support and recruit diverse, multi-sector constituencies with the goal of achieving the field-, knowledge-, and partnership-building aims of the DRK-12 program.  Further, it is expected that the Resource Center on Transformative Education Research and Translation will play a central role in helping the DRK-12 Program to:

(1) identify and share promising resources, tools, approaches, and research findings with teachers, school leaders and administrators and policymakers for feedback, strategic use and the advancement of science;

(2) facilitate communication and collaboration among current, former, and prospective DRK-12 award recipients as a means of building STEM education researchers’ capacity to conduct rigorous and meaningful work across the full range of project types supported by the program; and

(3) further raise the national visibility of the DRK-12 program's goals and impacts.

The DRK-12 RC is expected to work collaboratively with NSF and the DRK-12 Program’s constituent communities—including other NSF resource hubs and centers—to design, implement, and evaluate these three broad activities.

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