
NSF Feedback on ITEST Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) Concepts


Are you preparing to submit an ITEST Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) proposal on August 9? Be sure to visit our Prepare to Scale, Expand, and Iterate your STEM and ICT Learning Innovations page for helpful resources including webinars, presentations, and more. 

NSF Program Officers encourage those preparing to submit a Scaling, Expanding, and Iterating Innovations (SEI) project to complete a concept worksheet and submit this to NSF for direct feedback. Download the worksheet to review the concept worksheet and additional instructions. 

Download the SEI Concept Worksheet

To ensure that you receive feedback from ITEST Program Officers concept papers must be submitted via email to NSF no later than Friday, June 28. 

View the proposal development page for SEI proposals for additional information: https://stelar.edc.org/scale-expand-iterate-innovations


Sustainability and Scale-Up
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