NSF - Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Core Research (FW-HTF) (23-543)
This is a revision of NSF 23-543, the solicitation entitled "The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-HTF)"
The solicitation has been revised as follows:
- The "Research" category (FW-HTF-R) now consists of "Research Medium" proposals (FW-HTF-RM) and "Research Large" proposals (FW-HTF-RL). FW-HTF-RM proposals have budgets up to $1M, and FW-HTF-RL proposals have budgets above $1M up to $2M. All FW-HTF-R proposals may have duration up to four years.
- The FW-HTF program no longer accepts proposals in the "Project Development" (FW-HTF-P) category. Please submit proposals with focused objectives and limited resource requirements -- such as were previously provided by the FW-HTF-P category -- to the FW-HTF-RM category.
- The FW-HTF program no longer accepts proposals in the "Transition-to-Scale" (FW-HTF-T) category. Please submit new proposals exploring fundamental research questions of scaling to the FW-HTF-RM or FW-HTF-RL category.
- Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) NSF 23-047 describes a supplemental funding opportunity to support research extensions to current FW-HTF-R awards that have the potential to increase the societal benefits of the research outcomes, including extensions that consider research questions of scaling.
- Please consult NSF 23-047 for details. The previous version of this solicitation required that individuals could be listed as PI, co-PI, senior personnel, or consultants on only one proposal submitted to this solicitation. Individuals may now appear as senior personnel or consultants, but not as PI or co-PI, on multiple proposals submitted to this solicitation.
The overarching vision of this program is to support multi-disciplinary research to sustain economic competitiveness, to promote worker wellbeing, lifelong and pervasive learning, and quality of life, and to illuminate the emerging social and economic context and drivers of innovations that are shaping the future of jobs and work.
For more information, read the full solicitation: https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?WT.z_pims_id=505620&ods_k…
Full Proposal Deadline: March 30, 2023 (due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time)
National Science Foundation